Trademark Clearance searches

We offer three search products for the European Union:


Because the European Union consists of 27 countries and 25 jurisdictions, a thorough trademark availability search should be conducted in all these jurisdictions and should ideally be accompanied by a legal opinion given by a local trademark attorney. This is the safest way to search your trademark. The cost of these searches is however understandably rather high


This is the best option for those applicants who do not wish to spend much time and money on searching the availability of their EU-Trademark. In order to find out whether there exist any identical or near identical prior marks which could block the registration of your trademark, Landmark can conduct searches in all EU-jurisdictions and the European Union Register against a moderate fee and including an advice.


An attractive alternative to a full availability trademark search with legal opinion in all the countries of the European Union.

How does it work?

  • Full availability search of the European Union trademarks and International (Madrid) trademark registers 
  • 90% similarity search in the biggest 8 jurisdictions within the European Union (Big 8)
  • Identity Plus search in the other EU-countries
  • Including a legal opinion given by an experienced European Trademark Attorney 

Our fee is only € 1150 for 1 class.

What can we do for you?

Please contact us